Wonder of the 3rd Day of Christmas 2021

It’s the 3rd Day of Christmas.  How’s the baby Jesus?  

Have you packed him away and taken the tree down already knowing he and Mary and Joseph and the Wise Men (the Zoroastrian Magi) will come out after Halloween 2022 sometime, maybe just after Thanksgiving 2022?

Have you got to hold the baby Jesus yet?  Have you felt his presence anew in your life this Christmas yet?  

Has he opened his eyes while you held him and been transformed by that sacred gaze of a new born, that gaze so new to this earthly world who last gazed upon the wonders of heaven before being conceived and born here, now, in your midst?

The Word made flesh.  The Alpha and the Omega.  The way, the truth, and the life. The Light no darkness can overcome.

Is the baby packed away? Or have you begun the baby steps of being renewed in reflecting the Word, the way, the truth, and the life in your own special way in the days ahead?

Merry Christmas.  Hope you get a chance to hold that baby soon, to be touched by the gaze of a new born, to be transformed as our Christmas journey continues.

Hope you get to share your journey story and perhaps rub elbows with the Magi who travelled so far to foretell the wonder beyond creed, beyond race, beyond political affiliation and the brightness of the dawn that breaks if we but open our minds, our hearts, our awareness.

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