Pro Anima – Holy Thursday, Cura Animaram, and COVID-19: Who is your priest?

During this COVID-19 pandemic and the mandated self isolation, lockdowns, and social distancing we find ourselves in such unprecedented time. For those of us who worship in a catholic or liturgical fashion, this week is Holy Week and today is Holy Thursday.

On a day when most of us are used to attending Holy Thursday services with our communities and commemorating Jesus’ last supper with the Apostles, Jesus’ mandatum to love one another as He loved us, and His example of humbly serving others by washing the feet of his Apostles, we are left to observe Holy Thursday in a novel way. Some will zoom with their communities and virtually attend a service. Some will perhaps stay at home and observe it in private and solitude.

Holy Thursday commemorates when Christ instituted Holy Orders and the priesthood. The traditional understanding of the role of priests in many religions, not just in the Christian tradition, is that of the mediator between heaven and earth, between God and humans.

Another understanding of priest is as cura animarum or cure of souls or care of souls. I prefer this understanding of priest as “care of souls”. As the one who helps you ponder, reflect, pray, understand, come to know those things that will help nurture and heal your soul. As the one who intercedes and prays for you in times of need.

Sometimes this “care of the soul” involves increasing our awareness of those in need around us, of God’s presence around us, of the many ways God answers our prayers.

Sometimes this role in our lives isn’t filled by someone in ordained ministry or the pastor of our parish we worship at], but a friend, a loved one, a spiritual director, a family member or passing acquaintance who set an example of Love, light and compassion.

Recently my spiritual director asked me, “Who is your priest?” And I couldn’t immediately answer.

Holy Thursday offers us that time to recall Christ’s institution of the priesthood and to acknowledge all of those who have been our priests by their ministry, by their example, by their guidance, by their prophesying, and by their helping shaping and expanding our awareness to seeing and experiencing heaven on earth.

Who is your priest?

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