Pro Anima – Weeding, Feeding, and Seeding Nurturing the Soul

Another great podcast I listen to is Eric Rankin’s and Michelle Anderson’s “Awakening Code Radio“.

Last week I was listening to Eric and Michelle interview Jenny Pandol about gut health. In it Jenny was discussing the importance of probiotics and fermented foods and how best to approach improving gut health. Jenny mentioned the initial approach is to “weed, feed and seed.”

The weed, feed and seed approach is pivotal to many approaches in our life. This approach spoke deeply to me as to how to approach our spiritual lives and journey.

Weed out those things which prevent us from nurturing our souls or distract us from growth in the journey. Feeding our soul with the things we’ve identified that nurture soul growth and awareness. Finally, seeding within our lives and the lives of others things, thoughts, actions and responses which help promote ongoing soul growth around us.

Weeding, Feeding, Seeding. Experiencing God and Spirit as gardeners of the soul and opening up to growth in Spirit by learning from the Master Gardener.

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