Pro Anima Mundi — Prayer as Transactional Quantum Physics?

One of my favorite podcasts I listen to is Alexis Brooks’ Higher Journeys Radio. All of her guests and shows relate to higher consciousness topics such as near death experiences, extra terrestrial abduction and encounters, quantum physics concepts brought down to a more “layman’s” level of discussion.

In this week’s episode linked below, Alexis interviews Cynthia Sue Larson and their discussion is on the Mandela effect — those instances when reality has appeared to change because large groups of people share a false memory.

For example, put on your bible hat and think about the biblical passage about the animal that will “lie down with the lamb.” Think about what you remember that passage being. Then go to Isaiah 11:6 and see if your memory matches the scripture passage.

This is one of the Mandela effects they discuss. I know my memory doesn’t match the actual text.

When listening to their interview and discussion on the Mandela effect and it’s basis in quantum physics, I couldn’t help but think of Jesus teaching his disciples about faith in Matthew 17:20 in which he says, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, ‘Move here to there.’ And it will move.”

In their discussion of quantum physics Cynthia Sue Larson gives the simplest illustration of the transactional interpretation of quantum physics when she says shaking your hands shows how quantum physics can be interpreted. Larson continues the discussion by introducing that the noted quantum physicist John Cramer proposes “change occurs when a sending and a receiving wave greet and agree to change for the better.”

Imagine if you will that sending wave being a hand from the future grasping the receiving hand from the past seeking a change for the better.

This simplistic interpretation sparked an insight in my understanding of prayer. What if prayer, intercessory prayer, or healing prayer, is not so much that my will and intercession to the Divine seeking a change for the better for a loved one or a situation isn’t what changes things as much as it is I am reaching out my hand from the present receiving that sending Divine wave and greeting of change from the future, for the better?

The climate crisis is front and center in our discussions as a global society today. The Turkish advancement into Syria is in the news as we speak. The impeachment inquiry into the president here in the United States is stirring up political tensions today. Rather than react in anger, react emotionally, react with name calling and labelling and further isolating ourselves from those who don’t agree with us, what if our prayers for changing each of these isolated situations with their global and cosmic impact weren’t just prayers with words, with intentions, with desire for positive change but prayers of offering ourselves to be that receiving wave from the greater sending wave of changing the future for better?

May we continue to grow in offering ourselves, our thoughts, our actions, our intentions in healing the world, in being that receiving agent from the divine World Soul sending her Divine Wave of healing to those who are receptive to improving the future of the cosmos. And in offering and receiving, in participating in that cosmic quantum transaction, may we grow in our awareness and respect for being co-creators and preservers of the cosmos.

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