Podcasts and The Exploring Soul

Over the past year, my journey has been so enriched by exploring new platforms of communication and learning and one of those that has really transformed my life in the way that I think, live, pray and view the world is podcasts.

There are all kinds of podcasts available on so many subjects. Some of my favorites to listen to range the gamut of subjects from grief to grief dreams, from awakening consciousness to higher journeys, from near death experiences to all things we don’t die.

In April, I had the honor of being interviewed on Dr. Joshua Black and Shawn Ram’s “Grief Dream’s Podcast“. If you’d like to know a little more about me and my journey and one of the podcasts that greatly influenced my desire to start the Spei Lumina — Light’s of Hope podcast, listen to my interview on their show published yesterday:

Grief Dreams E123 — Donald Knight — Spei Lumina

This weekend, I was listening to Sandra Champlain’s “We Don’t Die” podcast and she said, “I will always be an explorer. I don’t see that ever changing.”

That quote resonated with my soul. We are indeed all exploring souls. Exploring this earthly journey, in search of our purpose, in search of the Divine, in search of meaning to life, in search of what happens in the next life, exploring the way of Divine Love, Divine Light and helping reflect and spark that Divine Light and Divine Love in the world.

Today is Tuesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary time in the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar — a calendar I still follow and pray the office from even though I am no longer Roman Catholic as much as I am independent catholic — the reading from today’s office of readings was a treatise on Christian Perfection by St. Gregory of Nyssa, it seemed to sum up and resonate with the messages of these podcasts I listen to which help transform the world around us and with the mission of Spei Lumina’s podcast to transform the negative energy of mass media into a creative force of Light and Hope and Healing. St. Gregory uses the words “The life of a Christian…” but I believe those words refer to all humans seeking to live a more conscious life in the 21st century:

The life of the Christian has three distinguishing aspects: deeds, words and thoughts. Thought comes first, then words, since our words express openly the interior conclusions of the mind. Finally after thoughts and words comes action, for our deeds carry out what the mind has conceived.

St. Gregory of Nyssa

May our thoughts, words and deeds continue to grow in the nobility of their implications… may podcasts like those I’ve been listening to and listed below… continue to inspire all of us to live to the nobility of our calling.

Podcasts to check out:





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