Oct. 24 — Archangel Raphael

The month of angels continues in October as today, October 24th, is the day that prior to the II Vatican Council’s liturgical changes of 1969 the Roman Catholic Church set aside to honor and remember the Archangel Raphael. Now, the feast of the Archangels celebrates all Archangels on September 29th — or Michaelmas as we discussed in a previous post.

Raphael’s name means “medicine of God”.   Archangel Raphael is a leading figure, along with Tobit and Tobias, in the Hebrew scripture The Book of Tobit. He is the archangel who divinely inspires artists.

Like Tobit setting out on his journey to collect his father’s money, we too are pilgrims, each on our own spiritual journey. Just as the Archangel Raphael guided and protected Tobit on the journey that would not only secure his father’s money but be the path to meeting his wife, the Archangel Raphael awaits to heal, guide and protect us too on our journey. As pilgrims awakened to the awareness of our spiritual journey, it is good to call upon the Archangel Raphael for healing, guidance and protection as often as we can.

I found the following prayer meaningful to me in prayer today and I hope it aids you in your prayerful journey throughout the rest of the day:

O heavenly physician and faithful companion. St. Raphael, who didst restore sight to the elder Tobias, and guide the younger in his long journey and preserve him in safety; be thou the physician of my soul and body, disperse the dark clouds of ignorance, defend me from the dangers of my earthly pilgrimage, and lead me to that heavenly country where, with thee, I may gaze for ever on the face of God. Amen.

O Angel of God, illumine, defend and preserve me this day, and for ever. Amen.

Archangel Raphael, pray for us.

Originally published 10/24/2014.

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